Thank you everyone for replies!
Setup i am using right now, it is PC -> Moxa Nport 5610 -> TS2500. Though i
also tried direct connection with USB->RS232 cable.
NPort is true RS232, and works as expected, because i freely communicate
with my other equipment.
I tried all possible settings on the serial port and tried with most
operating modes (reverse telnet, PPP, TCT Server).
Currently operating mode on NPort makes itself transparent and i can
connect through "tty" as though NPort wasn't there. (This mode works fine
with other equipment).
Further investigation revealed some abnormalities with the data ports
namely voltages on the pins there they shouldn't be present on TS2500.
All data connections were cut, i measured directly on TimeSource with DMM
and scope.
1) Craft port (TS2500)
Pin Signal Voltage
2 Tx 0V
3 Rx 9.3V <=== DC, nothing on the scope
4 DSR 0V
5 GND 0V
6 DRT 0V
7 frame -9.7V <=== DC nothing on the scope
8 frame 0V
2) RS232 (TS2500)
Pin Signal Voltage
1 DCD 0V
2 Rx 9.4V <=== DC nothing on the scope
3 Tx -9.4 +9.6V <=== every 6 seconds sends data as
described below
4 DTR 0V
5 GND 0V
6 DSR 0V
7 RTS 0V
8 CTS 9.3V <=== doesn't go down
For RS232 (Tx pin) character duration is about 104 usec, which corresponds
to 9600 bps.
Information it sends is: "ATE0&R1&C1S0=1", every 6 seconds. Though if i
echo something, it stops for 62 seconds and then repeats spamming with 6
sec period.
E0 = turn off echo
&R1 = &R - RTS/CTS option; &R1 - Ignore CTS from DTE (always send)
&C1 = &C - Data Carrier detect option; &C1 - DCD follows carrier state
S0=1 - 1 ring before auto answer
I was unable to act upon this modem initialization string. Minicom sees
input, but i still don't get reply when sending anything.
So TX on both ports are definitely working, but Rx on those ports are
constantly in +9,4V state.
Also CTS pin on RS232 is constantly high and what is more bewildering, pin
7 on Craft port, which marked as "frame" has -9,7VDC potential. At the same
time pin 8, which is also "frame" has GND potential.
Any thoughts?
I also tried to find a way to factory reset device, but there is no such
button outside and inside there is only one jumper "JP1". Removing it
didn't seem to do anything.
Post by Daniel H. PresslerNot sure it will help but my experience with TL1 is that the ; is the end
of line character that will get you a response. Worth a try if you haven't
done it already.
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Wednesday, November 21, 2018 10:22 PM
Subject: Re: [time-nuts] TimeSource 2500
Well, unit gives stable 10 MHz, so Rb oscillator seems to be alive.
Upon power up, sequence of TL1 messages(from Craft port) is "sensible" and
corresponds to what is to be expected, based on the manual. So controller
seems to be working.
Antenna sense circuit is also correctly determines presence/absence of the
Overall, unit seems to be functional.
Regarding serial settings, i can read TL1 messages from Craft port, but
can't elicit any response when sending TL1 (or anything else) to it.
Bit rate is standard 9600, otherwise i receive gibberish from the Craft,
so, this seem to be correct.
Pinout for Craft port of TS2500 is (Tx, Rx, DSR, GND, DTR), i tried both
DRT/DSR hardware handshake and no handshake. For RS232 port tried null
cable, straight, RS232<->USB with RTS/CTS, DTR/DSR, no handshake.
Most work is done under Linux, so i attempted connection by 'cu' and
'screen' varying settings that make sense, also plain 'echo' while reading
using 'cat' in a separate terminal.
Results are the same whether i try to connect directly from PC or using
Moxa N5610 server in between.
TS3x00 series also uses BTmon for connection and judging from the manual
communicates using TL1 messages.
My guess, there is a wrapper around TL1 message, but i can't find any
hints. Or, there is some sort of software handshake upon connection.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Best regards,
Post by Bob kb8tqHi
Do you have good reason to believe that it’s not DOA?
It’s been a *long* time since these were common on the surplus market. I would not
be real surprised to find that what’s floating around has been through several owners
at this point.
Post by Dmitry KhorkinRecently i purchased Symmetricom's Timesource 2500 PRS, but can't
find a
Post by Bob kb8tqPost by Dmitry Khorkinway to communicate with it.
Tried both straight and null-cables, RS232 and Craft interfaces but to
Post by Bob kb8tqPost by Dmitry Khorkinvail. There is no reply no matter what i send.
The only thing I was able to achieve is reading TL1 messages comming
Post by Bob kb8tqPost by Dmitry Khorkinthe Craft port.
Can someone please share a copy of BTMon software or advise how else
Post by Bob kb8tqPost by Dmitry Khorkincan communicate with the device. Maybe description of the protocol, or
structure of the message it expects.
Thanks in advance!
Best regards,
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