[time-nuts] Allen Osborne TTR-6
JF PICARD via time-nuts
2018-11-28 16:37:54 UTC
I am looking for the service manual of the old Allen-Osborne "Navstar GPS Time transfer System" TTR-6. Thank you.

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Jean-Louis Oneto
2018-11-28 19:06:35 UTC

I have the manuals (user, hardware and schematics) for the TTR-5.

I have also programs for both TTR-5 and TTR-6:

* nbsautocollect (executable and source)
* ttr6autocollect (executable and manual)
* ttr5schload (executable only)
* ttr6schload (executable, source and manual)

I think that the TTR-6 is very similar to the TTR-5.
Let me know if you are interested in any of these.
Best regards,
Post by JF PICARD via time-nuts
I am looking for the service manual of the old Allen-Osborne "Navstar GPS Time transfer System" TTR-6. Thank you.
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Jean-Louis Oneto
email: ***@free.fr

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